Author: <span>Richard</span>


To be honest there are many possible titles for this week’s blog. “After the Lord Mayor’s Show” also springs to mind. Whatever is chosen, they all point to one thing…


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I had the great fortune today to be teamed with the two members of our society who have installed simulators in their garden sheds. And before any of you start…


You know that you are in for an interesting day on the golf course when Pete interrupts your porridge by sending you and your team-mate an email asking which holes…


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And I am not referring to the winter visitors such as Fieldfares and Redshanks or even, for that matter, to the more common LBJs, but instead to those birdies most…


A beautiful day greeted us at Temple today. Bright blue skies and glistening white slopes reminded us of those halcyon days of long ago when our knees were in one…


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Of that, more anon. Nine Ballbashers eventually assembled at Temple to compete for the much-coveted Ice Bucket. The thing about the Ice Bucket is that it is large, very large…


Most Ballbashers would have looked out of their bedroom window this morning, observed the twinkling frost on the garden, fetched a cup of tea from the TeasMade and got back…


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Or – What a difference a few days make. On Monday, playing with the JFGS at Temple, Stuart scored 39 points and Roger scored 36. Two days later, playing with…


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We will deal with the 43 points later but, in order to give myself some absolution I have to confess to the 3 Mea Culpas first. The first sin that…
