Author: <span>Richard</span>


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Our correspondent’s report on the game is below. But worthy of reflection is Bill’s communique covering the difficulty of creating teams when random buggy sharing plus the need to have…


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For the 3rd edition of the Prosthetic Cup, Alan chose to take the team to Winter Hill where we found that, as long as you avoided going into the elephant…


From our Correspondent: “Having been given the role of novelty game organiser by Richard, and having a perfect 6 players arrive, the chosen format was a team multiplier, all players…


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From our correspondent: “The Summer league took another swing at Temple, although almost everything about it was unpredictable. The weather forecast was perfect, with sunshine from late morning, 100% dry…


Eight Ballbashers turned out on a quite beautiful morning at Temple for our second eclectic game of the season to be met with stunning views of verdant fairways surrounded by…


A glorious sunny day today for the Farnham Putter which commemorates the founding of the Ballbashers at Farnham Park in the days when we could not afford more than 6…


Today highlighted the differences in the views held by sundry Ballbashers on the delights to be found in Nature’s bounty. Whereas JohnS smacked his ball into a beautiful patch of…


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