The Ballbashers Posts

That was indeed the question yesterday at Temple where we gathered to play the first Novelty game since Alan took charge of these formats. The rules were simple – each…


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After a long absence we returned to Winter Hill today courtesy of MikeS’s membership, which gave us all a round for £25 each. We found the course in excellent condition…


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Today we welcomed Roger back to golf following his time off being fitted with more metalwork to guarantee entry into the Prosthetic Cup followed by a nasty encounter with a…


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Due to time pressures this is an exceptionally brief report. It may well have been non-existent but for the fact that I must get out of my system all memories…


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Regular readers of this column may (or may not) recall that last week I was able to announce the arrival of geo-fencing at Temple which is designed to stop buggy…


I just received an email from Temple advising me that geofencing will be enabled for all buggies from now on – this technology, which sounds like something of Star Wars…


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Mike S won the FA Cup. The Ryder Cup was won by the White Team – JohnS, MikeW and Richard. More details to follow at the Annual Dinner.


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It definitely felt like Autumn was upon us yesterday at Huntswood as we played in a strong cold westerly with occasional purple-level heavy showers adding to our joys. The car…


The Medal Vase is the only competition which comes close to the format played by the PGA professionals though it is extremely doubtful that they would recognise it as such.…


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