From our correspondent:
“This week’s “Summer League” game was played at Temple. 7 Ballbashers were down to play, and we had only one medical dropout, which was a huge improvement on last week’s turnout.
So, 2 x three ball teams set off, fairly early at 9.30, which was arranged, firstly to fit in with Mike smith’s hospital appointment and secondly to try to beat the heat.
Due to the recent scorching weather (37*+ yesterday) the course was parched and the balls were running. That is fine if they are running straight down the fairway but not so good, if, in true Ballbasher fashion, they were running sideways!
Team A: Peter F, Stuart and Mike S. were first off, and we were surprised to see three 250 yd. + drives, with Stuart’s ball just short of the green. Very lucky, we thought.
Next off was Team B: Roger, John T and Rob A, and seeing how the balls were running, the second team held back, with more sensible 150 yd. drives.
Points started accumulating fairly quickly with John T in great form scoring so many three and four pointers that it became boring. Whilst Roger and Rob were only scoring a four every now and again.
We understand that many three and four pointers were also being obtained in the first team but they also came across more bunkers.
So, a very enjoyable game ending with a pleasant chat over a light lunch, in the club house.
The end result: John T 43pts!!!, Stuart 37pts, Rob A 34pts., Roger 32pts, Peter F 31pts, Mike S 28pts.
The Team scores. Team A: Peter F, Stuart, and Mike S. 78pts.
Team B: Roger, John T, and Rob A. 86pts. (lots of Bashcoins)